Brown Butter and Sage Cream Sauce

SOMETIMES, WE HAVE TO DISCONNECT TO CONNECT… It has been over a month since I’ve posted a new recipe, but I took a little vacation from the blogosphere, first because my camera broke and then because I was enjoying the company of my children during school break and they adamantly scold me if I’m at…

Brown Rice with Vegetables

There are certain things we can only learn through our own experiences. Countless times I told my children as toddlers not to touch the stove top because it was hot and they both disregarded my commands and burned the tips of their fingers at least once. I’m an innate caretaker and am always sharing advice…

Balsamic Vinaigrette

I have never been a big enthusiast of salad dressings.  I am more of a olive oil and vinegar kind of girl.  There are a few commercial brands I like, like the Brianna Salad Dressings.  The Blush Wine Dressing, with the strawberry on its label is very good.  Also, I use the Honey Mustard, with…

Imitating Joe’s Creamed Spinach

My husband Emilio is a super-mega-huge fan of Joe’s Stone Crabs Restaurant and the kids and I must agree with him, for everything there is fresh and really delicious. He lived in Miami for several years as a college student and every time his parent visited he would take them there (of course, so they…

Potatoes Dauphinoise

Blog:  Its short for “web log”.  A personal journal published in the World Wide Web consisting of posts (entries) displayed in reverse chronological order where readers, if allowed by the writer, can comment. Ever since the Julie and Julia movie came out in 2009, the blogosphere has grown exponentially.  For the first time, blogging was…

Foodielady’s New Facebook Page and other Social Media

Hey everyone! Please take a moment and visit my new page on Facebook.  To do so, once you sign in Facebook, search Foodielady and  click “Like” in the page to receive updates of my daily musings, photos, adventures and foodieventurous travels.  Through this website/blog you will continue to receive my posts and recipes as always….

Clarified Butter

When butter is moderately heated and liquifies, water evaporates and milk solids sink to the bottom.  The clear yellow liquid on top is called Clarified Butter.  Simply put, it is the butter without the milk solids and water, hence mostly fat.  It also tastes and smells really good. One notable characteristic is that Clarified Butter…

Spanish Shrimp Tapa

Tapas Españolas or Spanish Tapas are very much en vogue and are excellent alternatives to offer your guests.  Their purpose is to serve as a snack between meals, specially if you are having wine or alcoholic beverages.  In addition, a selection of tapas can easily replace a meal at an informal gathering. The word “tapear”…

Classic Meatballs

About a month ago, our niece Camelia texted me to see if I was available to teach her how to make meatballs.  One of her best friends was getting married and she didn’t want to come empty handed to the bridal shower, so she offered to bring meatballs as appetizers.  Needless to say, she didn’t…

Ensalada de Amarillos

Some people call ripe plantains amarillos other call them plátano maduro. Regardless of how you call it, you should know how to make this salad! It is very easy and refreshing.  I simply serve with mesclum salad or baby greens and warm goat cheese toasts. Also, is a great side dish to Arroz con Pollo….