New Year Resolutions

Yes, I admit it.  I am one of millions of people that always has the same New Year Resolution at the top of my list; losing weight. Other goals include being more organized, driven and focused to juggle between work, family, friends and social responsibility.  Re-taking old hobbies like crochet and scrapbooking, doing more yoga, read more,…

Sorullitos de Maíz (Corn Fritters)

When I was pregnant I had three cravings; cake (sweet), pickles (sour) and sorullitos de maíz (savory). Scary ha!  I gained about 30 pounds on each pregnancy. Once I made my husband take me to a restaurant in Cayey, in the puerto rican central mountain ridge, to eat some sorullitos de maíz. Without a doubt,…

Pumpkin Flan

Pumpkin is one of my favorite ingredients.  It is versatile and nutritious and can be used in sweet or salty dishes.  I have shared with you several recipes which include this fruit like Perfect Pumpkin Soup, Barrigas de Vieja and Pumpkin-Asparagus Risotto. Don’t hesitate to give this recipe a try on Thanksgiving Day and you…

Spanish Shrimp Tapa

Tapas Españolas or Spanish Tapas are very much en vogue and are excellent alternatives to offer your guests.  Their purpose is to serve as a snack between meals, specially if you are having wine or alcoholic beverages.  In addition, a selection of tapas can easily replace a meal at an informal gathering. The word “tapear”…

Apple Strudel

In Puerto Rico we always have an excuse to celebrate.  I believe we are the number one country in the world with the most holidays in the calendar. We not only commemorate our own, but cheerfully adopt other countries’ festivities. My Puerto Rican friend Maryse is married to a German and recently moved from New…

Classic Meatballs

About a month ago, our niece Camelia texted me to see if I was available to teach her how to make meatballs.  One of her best friends was getting married and she didn’t want to come empty handed to the bridal shower, so she offered to bring meatballs as appetizers.  Needless to say, she didn’t…

Ensalada de Amarillos

Some people call ripe plantains amarillos other call them plátano maduro. Regardless of how you call it, you should know how to make this salad! It is very easy and refreshing.  I simply serve with mesclum salad or baby greens and warm goat cheese toasts. Also, is a great side dish to Arroz con Pollo….

Mama Italia’s Melenzane alla Parmigiana

Some people don’t like to share their recipes. Period. I have a great aunt who shares her recipes only with her family members and has told me that she will come after me if I publish them!  Even from the grave!!!!! Ja!  I truly respect that, especially with people that make money from their recipes…

Meringue Frosting

Well my friends, here is the long awaited recipe for a foolproof meringue frosting!  This is one of the recipes people ask for the most.  I had previously published a recipe for a meringue frosting (which I will substitute with this one), but that frosting technique had its disadvantages. The previous meringue frosting recipe had…