Papaya-Banana Smoothie

My grandpa Abo has always been a great example of healthy living.  No excessive drinking or smoking, eating super nutritious foods and always being an athletic guy, training every afternoon until his 80’s.  His only weakness… SWEETS! For many years, he travelled the world representing Puerto Rico as part of the track and field team (throwing the hammer, shot and discus) at the World Masters Games, which I jokingly referred to as the “old people’s olympics”.  Now, its not so funny anymore, since I am past the age people start to participate in these games. Uhuum…

I affectionately remember attending the World Masters Games in 1983 to see him compete. They were held in Puerto Rico and for him this was a big deal. This event was a family affair since his brother Elpidio was part of the team as well, competing in relays and running.  Through the eyes of a ten year old, the stadium seemed larger than life and to watch my grandfather compete (and win!!!) was a lesson of how perseverance and will can get you far no matter how old you are.

In addition, I remember spending time in his country farm near Cerro Maravilla.  We would go wild berry, plantain, banana and orange picking. The brisk weekend afternoons on the mountain ridge was a delightful change form the weekly hot and humid days in the city.  I think he deeply enjoyed the period of time he had that “finca” (country home) as a way to share with his family and be in touch with the earth and nature.  It reminds me of simpler times in a rustic place, where you could only hear the breeze though the trees and the birds singing.  The smell of wet grass and soil was a scent filled with newness and vibrance.  No tv or worldly distractions, only the conversation and company of loved ones in a beautiful natural setting. Bliss…

He always likes to eat at home my grandma Ita’s homemade meals.   Fresh fruit is an unconditional part of his diet and he has had his daily cup of hot tea for the past 60 years, even when it wasn’t hip to do so in our society.  As a curious note, during his years as a U.S. Soldier, he attended WWII, he was stationed in Panama and Hawaii as head of the kitchen!  (Now you know in part how I got this foodie thing from! Ja! ) His army stories are remarkable! Some funny, others filled with sadness.  Between that and all his other adventures in life, my brothers and I have a large repertoire of tales filled with characters (most of which we don’t know personally) from all of his story telling.

Men like Abo are on their way to extinction. A rare mixture of rugged physicality and gentle demeanor. Self made men who are faithful to their moral values, who put family first and are loved by everyone leaving a trail of kindness, respect and love in their path through life. Living proof that what’s important in life is the journey not the destination.

Today, he is 92 and although his mind is mostly clear and sharp, his body is not as robust as it was 10 years ago, in great part due to old age and diabetes. This recipe is one of his favorite fruit smoothies which he used to prepare for me when I was a young girl who looked up to him in every way. I am not so young anymore, but still admire him for his intelligence, sense of humor, serenity, class, values, humility and integrity.

I make this smoothie at least once a week for breakfast or a late afternoon snack.  My children love it and will take it over any commercial juice or soda alternative! Give it a whirl and you will be amazed of how good, nutritious and satisfying it is…

Papaya-Banana Smoothie


1 1/2 cups ripe papaya

1 banana

1 cup low fat milk

1/4 vanilla extract

sugar to taste (I use 2 packets of stevia)

1 1/2 cups ice


1.  Place all ingredients in a blender and blend to make frappé.  Serve immediately.

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5 Comments Add yours

  1. SamCyn says:

    I love papaya in my smoothies! So delicious and nutricious. Loved your story, thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Aida Fernández says:

    Excelente receta. Yo lo que hago es que cuando los guineos están bien maduros los pelo y los congelo en una ziploc. Con la papaya (fruta bomba) espero que esté en su punto y hago lo mismo. De esta forma tengo las frutas disponibles todo el tiempo y cuando voy hacer el smothie (batida) no utilizo hielo y la misma queda con más sabor. BUEN PROVECHO…

  3. Maria Sofia Olazabal says:

    me encanta!!! nosotros tambien lo hacemos de desayuno.. hmm runs in the family…. jejeje… pero lo mas que me gusto fue la historia detras.. xoxo

  4. teresin says:

    Mas que la receta; me encantaron tus palabras sobre Don Anibal. Hiciste que se me aguaran los ojos.
    Ojalá que mis nietos algun dia puedan hablar sobre mi con tanto cariño y admiración. Conociendo a D. Anibal y a Geñita, me consta que han sido padres y abuelos maravillosos y se merecen todo el amor y respeto de uds. Bastantes fiestas y “pajama parties” disfrutamos en sus casa; era casi nuestra “casa club”, y siempre nos recibieron con los brazos abiertos………….a pesar de que “santitas” no éramos.
    Un beso para todos.
    (Tengo guineos y una papaya bella que me regalaron. Esta noche preparo el “smoothie”)

    1. foodielady says:

      querida teresin; gracias por tus palabras. verdaderamente soy afortunada de haberlos disfrutado por tantos años! en cuanto a esos años que ustedes eran “santitas” me consta que ellos tambien se los gozaron. me cuentas como te queda el smoothie.

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