Meringue Frosting

Well my friends, here is the long awaited recipe for a foolproof meringue frosting!  This is one of the recipes people ask for the most.  I had previously published a recipe for a meringue frosting (which I will substitute with this one), but that frosting technique had its disadvantages. The previous meringue frosting recipe had…

Vanilla Buttercream Icing

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary an entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages and assumes the risk of a business and enterprise. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs.  My great-grandparents and great-ucles on my father’s side, like many other immigrants, came to Puerto Rico from Spain during the beginning of the twentieth century in…

Royal Icing

Royal Icing is traditionally made with egg whites, powdered sugar and lemon juice.  Most bakers use it to decorate cookies, cakes or make intricate design patterns.  I use it mostly to frost my Fairy Cakes, decorate Sugar Cookies or glaze Flower Tea Cakes.  This version is made with meringue powder (dried egg whites, sugar, salt,…

Cream Cheese Frosting

Cream Cheese Frosting goes well with Carrot Cake or Red Velvet Cake. I think it is also a great filling for pastries, muffins or to accompany or layer quick breads. Its so easy to make and you can prepare a few days ahead of time and refrigerate. Enjoy! Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients 2, 8 ounce…