Apricot Glaze

I love apricots, apricot juice, apricot chutney, apricot desserts and apricot preserves. I make my apricot glaze for pork loins, bbq pork chops, turkey, tarts (like my Apple-Almond Tart) and cookies. Also, amazing over brie cheese or with bleu cheese. Add a pinch of red chili pepper flakes and you have a delicious sauce for…

Poached Eggs

As I have mentioned in other posts, I like to play tennis and this year I was persuaded into playing tennis league.  My team was amazing!  A bunch of  fun, hard working, good looking, classy ladies.  As a team, we had a lot of talent, enthusiasm, great leadership, commitment, dedication, wonderful sense of humor and…

Béchamel Sauce (Besciamella)

Béchamel sauce is one of the “mother sauces” in french cuisine. It is traditionally made by whisking scalded milk (milk heated up to 180º f )  gradually into a white “roux” (look for recipe under cooking basics). It is mainly used in French, Italian and Greek dishes. Also, used as the base for other sauces like…


Roux (pronounced “ru”) is a thickening agent made up of wheat flour and fat.  The flour and fat are cooked (usually same amount by volume), to eliminate the taste of raw flour in the dish in which its going to be used.  There is a broad color spectrum of roux that ranges from white, blond,…